Saturday, September 27, 2008

How the garden looks now ...

What it used to be....


Welcome to the Clifton Place Memorial Garden and Park Community Garden Blog. Clifton Place Garden and Park (CPMGP) began May 21, 1982 by the Clifton Place Block Association.

Derek Pollitt was the garden's first Coordinator and oversaw the clean up of the lots at 1031-1037 Bedford Avenue. The photos to follow will show what the lots looked like at the beginning and what has transpired over the last 26 years.

In 2000 the garden became permanent Park land under the Parks department (documentation attached).

Over the years we've grown to where we now have a waiting list for garden plots but are taking applications for associate gardeners, who once a plot becomes available will be the first in line for a plot.

Please bear with us as we grow into the blogging of Brooklyn for updates on the garden, tips for planting indoors and out, tips on tree pit planting, pruning, watering and gardening events in the garden.

Melvin Foster, President and Coordinator
Clifton Place Memorial Garden and Park